"Now and Then/Shirley Crow" Exhibit at Macey Center, Spring 2020
Now and Then/Shirley Crow
Shirley Crow’s One Person Retrospective Exhibit at Macey Center
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM
February 10 through April 6, 2020
“Now and Then/Shirley Crow” includes drawings, color pastels, watercolors, and oil paintings and shows early work through to the most recent. Shirley Crow’s work begins with representational pieces and develops into her current series, “Energy,” which explores abstract ideas of life’s underlying force.
The Macey Center
New Mexico Tech
1 Olive Lane, Socorro, NM 87801
Phone: 575-835-5342
The exhibit is on the second floor. Check nmtpas.org for directions and further information.