Shirley Crow at Gerald Peters Contemporary, Santa Fe, 2022
Gerald Peters Contemporary, Santa Fe, is showing the gallery’s first solo exhibition of my abstract paintings.
The gallery’s write up of the works includes: The exhibition which showcases Crow’s emotive and radiant works opens at the gallery with a public reception on Friday, September 9. The paintings and drawing will be on display until November 26, 2022.
Crow’s works are representations of introspective journeys. Transporting emotion in the landscape of the subconscious, Crow creates brilliantly colored hallucinatory canvases. Often seeded in anxieties of the present, Crow’s drawings and paintings are at once both foreign and familiar. Suggestions of landscape, flora, fauna and rock formations give way to a lyrical abstraction driven by color and energy. The radiant paintings that result – uplifting, exploratory, and imaginative – offer a response to the uncertainties and fears of the era.
exhibition Dates:
September 9 - November 26, 2022
“We live in a time when almost anything can happen. This realization makes me uneasy, apprehensive, curious, and excited – I am in love with being alive. I constantly strive to communicate the sense of awe and mystery that I experience in a society that is changing at an ever-increasing pace.”
Link to website >
Note: Above image is from Gerald Peters web site, published here with their permission.